Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Reflect and Ponder (31)

My dear brothers and sisters,,,, we turn away from the beautiful lifestyle of that Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) who sacrificed his hometown, his comfort, his family, his sweat, and his blood for us, and we turn towards the lifestyle of those who kill our brothers and sisters all over the world, those people who have open enmity for us, and who are leaving no stone unturned in trying to erase the very existence of Islam from the face of this earth - the west, and the Yahood. Are we doing any justice to our beloved?

 Have we become so blind to reality?

Please, let us open our eyes before it is too late, we need to stop letting our enemies tell us how to lead our lives, and we have to start living according to the pristine principles set out for us more than fourteen centuries ago. This is the only hope for our salvation and success.

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