Saturday, 18 August 2012


Hadhrat Daanyaal (AS) was one of the prophets sent to Bani Israil, who had been given the gift of dream interpretation. The Babylonian king of his time saw a very mysterious and worrying dream. All the wisemen and astrologers were perplexed and could not offer any satisfactory explanation. The king learnt of Daanyaal (AS) prowess in dreams, and sent for him. He offered him wealth and position in return for the interpretation of his dream, an offer which was promptly declined by Daanyaal (As). He told the king to keep his wealth by him, he would give him the interpretation. (If we were in his place, what would we do??)

Daanyaal (As) gave a very cryptic interpretation which itself needed deciphering. He said that there will come a reign of terror, in which the sacred house of Allah will be taken over and desecrated. This time would come after 2,300 days, and the reign would last for 45 days after which, the house of Allah would become free. What does that mean??

A certain sheikh has offered a possible explanation. He says that the reign of terror refers to Israel, and it's control of Masjidul Aqsa.  In terms of the Taurah, one day means one year. According to this, the reign of terror would start after 2300 years. According to historians, this prophecy was made 333 years before Isa (As).  2300 minus 333 will give you the year 1967, the exact year when Israel gained total control of Jerusalem. Works about perfectly doesn't it?? This rule will last for 45 years. Which brings us to 2012. So, according to this explanation, the fall of Israel will be in 2012, or it will start in 2012. Interesting huh?? However, we have to remember that this is a possibility, not something certain. It could be right and it could be wrong.

Funnily enough, at this moment, Israel is at the height of its power. It's downfall in this year is, for us, quite unimaginable, but for Allah everything is easy.

If it is going to happen this year, how do you think it's going to occur? What are the possibilities??
Please do share your views.

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