Wednesday, 29 August 2012


Some "illuminated" thinkers have emerged with the comical contention that Hadith is unreliable, thus it should either be completely ignored, or taylored to fit our nonsensical whims and fancies, our conveniences and desires. This Satanic movement to destroy and uproot the very foundation of Islam is not new at all. It has been existing for way more than a century.
It has only re-emerged with a modern design. Rest assured, it's the same filth being marketed with a new look to bait poor, innocent, naive Muslims.
It is terribly sad to see that "Muslims" have relegated themselves to such sunken abysses of ignorance.
To reject and brush aside the sayings and teachings of Allah's most beloved, the leader of the worlds, Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam on the basis of such a baseless, spurious and foolish argument that Hadith is unreliable and unauthentic, is such an extreme fallacy that is sufficient to plunge one into the dark dungeons of kufr - disbelief - an exit from the fold of Islam.
The Quran and Hadith go hand in hand, each one unable to stand on it's own without the other, and this is what is Deen, and this is what it has been for the past 1400 years plus.
How do we know that the Quran is the Quran??
Who told us? Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, who else. Isn't that Hadith? So basically, the Quran has reached us through hadith. The result?? The rejectors of Hadith are in actual fact rejectors of the Quran!!
If we choose to follow only the Quran, I ask you is there anybody who would know how to perform just 2 rak'aah of Salaah??
How can we use the Quran to decide which Hadith is right and which is not??
The categorization of Hadith has already been done more than a millenium ago.
From the Hadith, the 4 Imams, whose madhabs we have to follow, extracted laws.
All we have to do is follow those laws. Simple.
To grow a beard is compulsory according to all 4 madhabs.

May Allah give us guidance and understanding. Ameen

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