Monday, 6 August 2012


These are the derogatory terms that the media loves to flaunt about (which, infact, it has been commanded to do by it's controlling "higher authorities" for whom it works, and to which it is answerable to) in it's unending campaign to undermine Islam. The poor unsuspecting masses, much like cattle happily munching on whatever fodder they are given, laps all of it up, believing it to be 100% true, not bothering the least bit to investigate whether the rubbish they are being fed has even the shadow of reality clinging to it or not. It's not their fault. After all, when billions of taxpayers' dollars are being spent in the effort to mentally program, brainwash, and control those very same taxpayers, then what else can you expect?

In a recent news story, the arrest of a Tunisian "Muslim" man for openly consuming alcohol is termed a result of an Islamist movement.

The media wants to push down our throats (and obviously it has been very successful at it) it's claim that these very sinister sounding terms refer to an aberration from the norm, not what Islam actually is. According to "them", only that Islam is acceptable which bows it's head down in total subjugation to their whims and fancies in "their" overt campaign to rid the world of religion, morality and order, in the same way that a helpless and docile sheep bows it's head to go under the knife.

Wikipedia (which is also under the "higher authorities"), defines Islamism as
"The belief that Islam should govern social, political, as well as personal life."
Amazing! That matches up exactly to what we have been commanded by Allah in the Quran - "Enter into Islam in totality and don't follow the footsteps of Satan."  Doesn't totality include social, political and personal life??
Wow! So this means that these terms refer to, not withstanding the erroneous (or perhaps purposeful) inclusion of deviant sects such as Shiaism, Salafism, and Maudoodism, the actual reality of Islam, it's very existence, such a concept without which it cannot even be termed as Islam.
Infact, what is being conveyed in this verse is that our typical modernised, westernised Muslim who has absolutely no vestige of his Islamic identity left besides a name and an occasional prayer, is following Satan. That is exactly what "they" want because "they" take Satan to be their god!

So next time we see these names appearing in the media (which is probably not to long away as the media is addicted to them), let us stop, think, and ponder over the reality, and how the screen is being pulled over our eyes.

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