Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Ok, let's carry on where we left off (was feeling very sleepy, had to take a nap!).
The way I want to carry out this objective is to make this blog into a lighthouse which sends beams into the dark oceans of ignorance and deceit, to create an awareness and an awakening to the reality which has escaped the masses, or has been hidden from them. The truth needs to be told, and the truth will prevail, and the propagation of truth is our responsibility, whatever it costs us.
In the Quran, Allah says, "And Say, the truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Verily falsehood is bound to vanish."
So, want to know the truth and help spread it?
The once pure and pristine picture of Islam has been muddied beyond recognition by the mass media which is in the control of a secret elite society that is bent on uprooting and demolishing the very foundation of Islam, in establishing a new world order in which chaos will be the name of the game, to herald in the coming of their leader, and god, the Dajjal, the one eyed messiah whose fitnah (trials and tests) we already find ourselves in.
This society has been accomplishing its objectives for many hundreds of years, using a myriad of clandestine methods known to only a few. We will try to expose these methods, which directly connect to all of humanity, not just Muslims. Today unfortunately, the Muslim masses have been brainwashed into thinking that Islam is the problem, and that whatever the enemy says is 100% correct beyond doubt.
But, most importantly (and this should be our line of focus), what is the solution? To be as succinct as possible, it is to create a solid and unbreakable connection with Allah, and the way to do this is to make taubah from all sins and purify our hearts from all evil qualities which are obstacles and barriers between us and Allah. We need to iron out the creases in our Deeni condition through the heart of the dhikr of Allah. This is a lifelong effort which is termed as "Tazkiyatun Nafs" or "Tasawwuf" (Purification and Cleaning of the Nafs) and results in a person becoming a wali of Allah.
For this reason this blog has been created, and what we encourage from you are questions. Feel free to comment, ask, and share posts with others so that more people can benefit.
For any personal questions, problems or difficulties, you can write to us on our email address, or send a whatsapp message to +254731724036

This weak one begs Allah to make this blog a means of hidayat for the entire world, and grant us the eternal sweetness of reaching the peak of the Awliyaa-e-Siddiqeen. Aameen.

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