Thursday, 9 August 2012

Nafl in Ramdhan

As we approach the last 10 days of the blessed month of Ramadhan, it is necessary that we clear up a mas'ala which we have, unfortunately, by and large been ignoring, either because of lack of knowledge, or knowingly, for whatever reason.
Many people, in the last 10 days, attend the masjid perform nafl salaah in congregation, after the taraweeh salaah has been performed. They do this, obviously, thinking that it is a great act of reward, and that such "ibaadat" is what is required of us in the search for laylatul qadr.
Thus, it should be clear that according to the Hanafi madhab, to perform nafl salaah in congregation in the masjid is IMPERMISSIBLE AND A SIN. Nafl salaah on its own, when there are more than 3 muqtadis behind the imam is not permissible. Then the component of performing it in the masjid is also added, which is again, on its own, not permissible.
So, what we imagine to be reward accruing for us is not reward at all, rather it is nothing but sin. We are actually making an effort, and going out of our way to commit sin in the last 10 blessed nights!!
Please, let us realize our error and stop from attending such congregations. Nafl is a salaah to be read individually inside the home - this act is immensely rewardable, and what is required from us.
Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) never performed nafl in the masjid. The reason is that nafl is not something to be advertised infront of all, rather it is a private matter between us and Allah.
Please let us inform our relatives, friends, all whom we know, so that they can be saved from this.

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