Wednesday, 8 August 2012


If the dead could speak, what part of the unseen would they reveal to us?

Some would probably recount to us the horrors they experienced at the time of death, or the horrendous punshment meted out to them in their graves.
On the other hand, the fortunate ones would elucidate on their swift deaths, the joys, pleasures, and ecstasies that were granted to them in their graves.

Perhaps an unfortunate person would describe his final moments in the following words, "I was peacefully asleep in my room, when suddenly my sweet dreams were interrupted by a very ghastly noise. I opened my eyes, and staring at my face was the Angel of death. I abruptly sat up in my bed, shivering out of fear, tears streaming down my face.

I screamed at the angel, 'NO! NOT YET, I'M NOT YET READY. GIVE ME A CHANCE, SOME RESPITE ....!!'
My life flashed in front of my face as if in film frames. I had spent my entire life disobeying Allah, not once pondering over my hereafter. I'd been so busy having 'fun' - gamblling, drinking, flirting with women, that I had no time for worship. Now, as the angel of death moved towards me saying, 'Your time is up, you were given sufficient opportunities,' I knew that only punishment awaited me."

One of the inevitable realities that none can escape is death. Allah says in the Quran, "Every soul shall taste death."

Our time of death has long before been decreed and it cannot be delayed one second (however hard some Russian scientists try). Only good deeds will help us secure an abode in the everlasting paradise. Anas bin Malik narrates that The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "Three things follow a dead man to his grave. Two return, and one remains with him. His wealth, family, and deeds follow him. His wealth and family return, and his deeds remain behind. (Muslim)

Let us face it  - life is extremely short, and will pass by quickly. Death can occur at any second without prior notice. Every second is precious. By the mercy of Allah, we have been given an opportunity in this world to adorn our hereafter. In these priceless moments which we will never get back, let us focus all our efforts towards attaining the pleasure of Allah. May Allah grant us all death with Iman, ameen.

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