Thursday, 9 August 2012


Actually, it's not really any controversy, although that's what it's made up to be. The matter is quite simple and straightforward - Shias are not muslims, and they have absolutely nothing to do with Islam, contrary to the popular notion. Why aren't they Muslims will be the big question in anyone's mind who reads this. The reasons are too many to cover in this particular post, but shall be dealt with at a later stage.

Lexically, the word "shia" refers to a member of a particular party, or the followers of a particular person. Thus, the followers of Hadhrat Ali (RA) were known as the shia of Hadhrat Ali (RA), and this is in fact, how the term "shia" was coined (even though in reality these people are not his followers despite their claims.) The origins of the Shia can be traced back to Abdullah bin Saba, a jew who came from San'a, Yemen. He "accepted" Islam during the khilaafat of Hadhrat Uthman (RA), but was in actual fact a hypocrite masquerading under the guise of Islam, with the sole intention of spreading internal strife and wreaking havoc amongst the Muslims. When the enemy couldn't defeat the Muslims from outside, they infiltrated, and sought to destroy the Muslims from within by creating internal division and disunity, exactly what is happening today. Unfortunately, they are very successful at it, just like they were back then.
Abdullah bin Saba proceeded to iginite the flame of disloyalty and rebellion, that resulted in the viscious murder of Hadhrat Uthman (Ra), and which also led to the formation of the Shia sect.

After Hadhrat Ali (RA) beccame the khalifah, there was a group of people who were dissatisfied at the apparent indifference shown by the newly chosen khalifah concerning the murder of Hadhrat Uthman (RA). In actual fact, Hadhrat Ali (RA) had first hoped to stabilize his leadership, and calm the tense situation that prevailed, after which he could deal with the murderers of Hadhrat Uthman (RA). A group of people began rallying around Hadhrat Mu'awiyah (RA), the cousin of Hadhrat Uthman (RA), to avenge the murder of the khalifah. In the meanwhile, Ibn Saba was parading about, a wolf in sheep's clothing, spreading his poisonous venom. He claimed that Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) had borrowed all his teachings from Ali (RA). He went to the extreme of elevating the rank of Hadhrat Ali (RA) to that of Allah, just as the Christians had raised the status of Hadhrat Isa (AS) to that of Allah. In this way, Ibn Saba instigated the Battle of Sifin as well as the Battle of Jamal, which pitted Hadhrat Ali (RA) against Hadhrat Aishah (RA).

After the martyrdom of Ali (RA), Hadhrat Hassan (RA) took over the reigns of khilafat for six months, but in order to avoid  further confrontation, he handed over the khilafah to Hadhrat Muawiyah (Ra). During the reign of Yazid bin Muawiyah, the people of Kufah tried to deceive Hadhrat Hussein (RA) into thinking that they would make him the khalifah. For this reason he set off towards Kufah, but he was confronted and martyred on the way at Karbalah. This event was exploited by the Shias, and formed the basis of their new religion. Note the fact that it was the shias themselves who murdered Hadhrat Hussein (Ra). Thus, Shiaism metamorphosed into a religious faction that took its roots in Persia, modern day Iraq and Iran.

The most fundemental difference between the Sunnis and Shias, and which is one of the reasons why Shias are not Muslim, is how the Shias view the Sahaba (RA), Ibn Saba spread the utterly preposterous claim that Hadhrat Ali (RA) had enjoined upon his followers to malign Hadhrat Abu Bakr and Hadhrat Umar (Ra). It is for this reason that Shias take delight in disrespecting, and hurling insults at the Sahaba (RA). They believe that all the Sahaba turned their backs on Islam, and became disbelievers except for three - Hadhrat Miqdad bin Aswad, Hadbrat Abu Dharr Gifari, and Hadhrat Salman Farsi (Ra). They also believe that the wives of the Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) were bereft of iman, and have levelled false as well as vulgar accusations at them. Which religion in this world insults the disciples of their own Prophet?? It is for this very reason that Shias have stooped to a level lower than any other people in the world, and as a result, they will be assigned to the deepest pit of Hell which is reserved for the hypocrites.
The Shias have since then been trying to uproot Islam and bore holes into it's foundation. The Sunni- Shia conflict has continued throughout the ages in Iraq. During the reign of Saddam Hussein, the Shias were relatively suppressed, but after the American led terrorist invasion, they have since re-emerged and now form a large majority of the American installed "government." May Allah protect this Umman from the actions and efforts of such deviants and miscreants. Amin.

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